SRINAGAR : Crime Branch Kashmir received a complaint from inhabitants of village BangilDhobiwan Tangmarg alleging therein that some land brokers/Mafia encroached the state land measuring 25 Kanals situated at DhobiwanKunzar. Subsequently, a preliminary enquiry was initiated in Crime Branch Kashmir.
Crime Branch Kashmir initiated an inquiry which revealed that one Mohammad Najeeb Goni S/o Abdul GanieGoni R/o BarzullaBaghat Srinagar in league with some land brokers/Mafia people namely (1) Ghulam Mohammad S/O Abdul Aziz Bhat R/O UrsanBangil, (2) Mohammad Ashraf Wani S/O Mohammad Munawar R/O Utikoo Tehsil Karhama have sold, trespassed and encroached State land falling under survey No’s.5444,5447,5459, 5490,5452, 5460,5451,6439 situated at village DhobiwanKunzar.
It has been found that the said accused persons have erected a wall and the sign boards on the said plot thereby converting the said land into plots to easily offer for sale to interesting parties. Najeeb Goni S/o Abdul GanieGoni R/o BarzullaBaghat Srinagar has issued power of attorney in favour of Gh. Mohammad for sale of State land against consideration who in league with others has sold the land after carving out plots.
Accordingly, Case FIR NO.28/2018 U/S 420,447-A RPC has been registered against accused persons out of them accused namely (1) Ghulam Mohammad S/O Abdul Aziz Bhat R/O UrsanBangil, (2) Mohammad Ashraf Wani S/O Mohammad Munawar R/O Utikoo Tehsil Karhama have been arrested so far.