Biodiversity focus

Biodiversity focus

Biodiversity for Kashmir is very important as it is the main plank for the equilibrium of the environment. The overall environment in Kashmir is now very fragile and the government has also started efforts for the preservation of environment. In this direction, the authorities are focusing on the importance of biodiversity.

Recently Governor’s administration highlighted the importance of biodiversity which is essential for sustainable development and human well-being in present world. Advisor to Governor said that coordinated efforts need to be made for conservation of biological diversity to ensure the sustainable utilization of life support systems on earth. Theme of this year’s International Day for Biological Diversity was “Our Biodiversity, Our Food, Our Health” and it focuses on biodiversity as the foundation of our food, health and a key catalyst to transforming food systems and improving human health.

Advisor while interacting with the staff at the stalls, enquired about the products they have displayed and their efforts for the conservation of biodiversity. He also held brief discussion with the experts on the topic and asked them to share their expertise and knowledge with the concerned agencies/departments so that their suggestions/inputs are utilized in making an effective bio-diversity conservation plan.  He also asked the experts in rendering their support to develop State’s Medicinal Plant Board and expand its activities related to development and sustainable use of medicinal plants in the state.

The Advisor commended the efforts of all participants for putting in their strong efforts in the field of biodiversity and working towards its conservation. He said that damage has already been caused to the biological diversity but still our united efforts can bring a positive change in this regard.  He also appreciated the efforts of SFRI and SKUAST-K for conducting research in the field of biological diversity and suggesting measures for its conservation.


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