The new citizenship law has evoked pan India response and the protests are only increasing not only the political activities but even the civil society member have joined these protest. After the initial violence in some of the student protests especially at Jamia Millia and Saleempur now the protests are peaceful as more and more people are joining these protests.
The quantum of protests is on increase as even the historian like Guha has been arrested along with Swaraj party Chief Yagender Yadav. Such protests have only shown that the civil society and common people in India do not approve the new law as it is discriminatory on the basis of religion. Already there are dozens of writ petitions in the supreme court filed by different political parties and activists in this direction supreme court recently has issued a notice to central government and it is next hearing would be in the month of January.
The growing protests across India have shown that the secular fabric of the country is intact and lot of people have come forward to express their concern against such laws which are going to divide the society on the basis of religion. Those people who have filed writ petitions against this law have also highlighted the fact that this law was against the fundamental rights provided to the people of India by the constitution.
Many of them have said that basically the BJP and RSS were trying to write a new constitution for the country and their bias against a particular community is evident in every action they have taken in the past few months. It seems that BJP government at the centre is a hurry to implement the agenda of RSS and BJP at the earliest but the protests have shown that they have no cakewalk in the country to implement such decision.