Organic Village Model Bangund will be replicated throughout the District

Organic Village Model Bangund will be replicated throughout the District

PULWAMA, FEBRUARY 22:  Department of Agriculture today organized a day long District Level Exhibition cum Kisan Mela and Fruit & Vegetable show under NMAET, here today.

The Kisan mela was inaugurated by District Development Commissioner, Dr Raghav Langer.

On the occasion, Scientists from KVK and officers from department of Agriculture educated the farmers about modern techniques to be adopted in agriculture and allied sectors including Apiculture, Mushroom cultivation and Kitchen gardening.

Addressing the gathering, DDC appealed people to adopt latest techniques and sustainable practices to boost the agriculture sector and increase productivity. He said that the base of farming activities should be widened so that the livelihood measures get augmented.

He added that use of bio fertilizers and organic manure would reduce the input costs and will be pivotal in doubling the farmers’ income.

He further said that unique organic village in Bangund valley of Pulwama will provide a developmental model for sustainable agricultural practices and would mitigate alarming bio degredation. He said the model will be replicated in other areas of the district.

Responding to the demand raised by the farmers, the DDC assured that Special Agriculture Outlets will be setup for convenience of the farmers .He added agriculture activities should be made sustainable and self-reliant with an orientation toward adoption of best local practices.

At the Mela, Agriculture, Horticulture, Fisheries, Floriculture, KVK, Apiculture and Animal Husbandry Departments besides, the progressive farmers and agriculture-entrepreneurs setup their stalls exhibiting modern machinery, latest equipments, Pesticides of Various Brands, high quality hybrid seeds, improved varieties of fruits and vegetables.

Chief Agriculture Officer Mohammed Qasim Gani on the occasion briefed the gathering about the incentives being provided to farmers by the department under Centrally Sponsored Schemes in agriculture sector.

Principal & Session Judge Mohammad Ibraheim Wani ,District Agriculture officer, Secretary DLSA Khurshid ul Islam, other senior officers and officials of the Agriculture Department and a sizable number of farmers participated in the event.

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