DDC Shopian reviews formulation of water conservation plan

DDC Shopian reviews formulation of water conservation plan

SHOPIAN, MARCH 13 District Development Commissioner Shopian, Chaudhary Mohammad Yasin   convened a meeting of District Water and Sanitation Mission to review the formulation of water conservation plan, here today.

The meeting was attended JD Planning, ACD, DPO, Executive Engineer I & FC and other concerned.

On the occasion, DDC said that water conservation includes all the policies, strategies and activities to sustainably manage the natural resource of fresh water, to conserve the hydrosphere and to meet the current and future requirement of water considering population growth along with the growth of Horticulture, Agriculture and industry.

DDC emphasized that the objective of the water security plan is to provide safe drinking water to the public on a sustainable basis while implementing measures to conserve, protect, enhance and manage ground water resources, besides sensitization and capacity buildings of all stake holders.

Speaking on the occasion, DDC said that looking after infrastructure requirement for water conservation and water security, it is essential that the people are made aware about the importance of conservation of this precious resource.

The DDC urged for conserving the rain water in upcoming monsoon season to enable its optimum utilization. He asked the line departments to prepare district level action plan for water security and water conservation within a week`s time. Besides, he also stressed on training of PRIs with the aim to sensitize them on the importance of water conservation and its judicious use for sustainable water management.

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