Srinagar: Jammu Kashmir United Movement (JKUM) led by former legislator Ishfaq Jabbar on Monday extended support to Apni Party candidate Muhammad Ashraf Mir for the Lok Sabha polls in Srinagar constituency, slated to be held on May 13.Addressing a news conference, Apni party vice-president and Ishfaq Jabbar said they will contest the Lok Sabha polls in Srinagar together.”We will not fight the elections separately as it will be advantage to some other parties, who have landed the people in trouble,” Jabbar said.He added that they will jointly pitch for restoration of statehood, end to power crisis, eliminate drug menace and other issues.”We have seen the worse situation and won’t allow those parties responsible for it to win the elections. Therefore, after Altaf Bukhari requested us to join hands, we have decided to support Muhammad Ashraf Mir to ensure his victory,” he said—
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